University of Delaware engagement photos
University of Delaware engagement photos. “So we’re not very photogenic”. This is what Gena tells me at the beginning of the e-shoot. Hmmm. “Are you challenging me Gena”, I thought 🙂 . Haha. Seriously, a lot of clients tell me this and then we proceed to rock it out and everybody comes out with a new point of view about photography. And that point of view is they need to be shot by us 🙂  We met at the University of Delaware where the magic began for these 2 lovebirds. They reminisced, they danced, it was a good ol time at the U of D!  This is what we came up with.
Delaware Wedding Photographers
Gena & Alex, we shall see you soon enough. And we will continue to prove that you are very photogenic!
Til Later