Philadelphia Wedding Photographers

Society Hill engagement photographers

Society Hill engagement photographers

Society Hill engagement photographers. So I go to shoot the super cool Darian and Ryan’s e-session and on my 2nd shot of the day I pass a hive. Only to find out that bees don’t like that very much. Yes, I was attacked…by 2 of the most vicious art museum bees you can imagine 🙂 …Ok I was stung by 2 bees in the ear and the arm. Great. But me being the mountain man that I am pushed on and we got through the e-session without any other hiccups. Darian and Ryan thanks for being cool about the shoot. You got to witness your photographer in the face of danger and not flinch…except when I was swatting the bee off of my ear. lol. All jokes aside thanks for being cool & we shall see you soon! By the way, if you care we started over at Society Hill & then it all parts of Philadelphia.  Fyi, you can also check out their Mendenhall Inn wedding.

Society Hill Pa wedding photographers

Til Later…and death to bees that stung me.

Society Hill engagement photographers


Society Hill engagement photographers

waterworks engagement photos


Society Hill engagement photographers






Eakins oval engagement photos

eakins oval engagement pictures

art museum of philadelphia photos


